Order inquiries, stylist advice:

(In case of questions about orders, please provide the number orders)

Telephone contact in hours: 9:00 – 18:00

+48 669 660 072   /   +48 788 246 019

PR, media, marketing and cooperation with business partners

pr@onfleek.com.pl  /   +48 669 660 072

Address for correspondence

OnFleek Sp. z o.o Piaskowa 1 Sołtyków, 26-640 Skaryszew
+48 669 660 072   /   +48 788 246 019   /  sklep@onfleek.com.pl

Contact us

You don't know which size to choose? Do you need more information about the selected model of On Fleek clothes? Call us or write to us. On Fleek stylists will be happy to help!